Friday, July 26, 2013

Baby Fly from a Dead Mother's Womb

The fly is actually dead while the orange insect is its
baby that crawled out from its womb.
As you can see on the left picture, the orange insect with 6 legs came out from the dead fly's womb. I just can't imagine that their babies are with legs! Surprisingly, the baby was still alive! And it seems it was so mature that it tried to evade me.

NOTE: I killed the fly! I'm not a murderer but the fly was within my boundaries of my motherland haha!

Before the fly died, it was flying so slow like it was 2x slower than of before. It was a bit big compared to the normal ones. I wonder how many babies they are producing a day? Because whenever I see garbage ... I see a looooooooot of them. Oh man ... flies ...

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